If there's something you want to know about me is that you can expect a reply sooner or later but never ever never. ಠ_ರೃ

Age 29, Male

Some library work

Regular middle school


Joined on 2/8/12

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What might/will I do?

Posted by Igyzone - November 17th, 2012

I'm geting seriously bored around here, I get a bit free time when school is off and I simply don't find anything interesting to do.(Well this day I did go to cinema and watched the last part of Twilight which was complete bullshit but at least that's the end of it, and Skyfall where James Bond kicked some agent ass, fuckyeah!)
Anyways, I want to do something HERE on Newgrounds, but motivation is kind of weird state at the moment:

Past stuff: Art
Third gun needs to be finished as well as comics and a madness poster, but damn motivation is keeping me away from doing any art right now

Present stuff: An awesome gun scene creator
Once found, forgoten and found again. I currently have interest for this, so I'll simply make some of them and post them here once I'm done. If you don't know, which gun scene creator I'm talking about, then I'll reveal it in next post, if you do now, please leave it as surprise to others, otherwise you'll ruin my idea for next post.
Scene creator images are taking a break now. Motivation doesn't like them as before...

Future stuff: Madness animations? FUCKYEAH!
Once I decide to install Macromedia Flash 8 on MediaFire (Did I mention it's free?), get time, madness sprites and motivation (I really really want to do it right now but fucking school...) I'll start to ANIMATE as my biggest dying wish, dreaming for long long time. Most of guys I know, who have made decent madness flashes, are only 13-14 years old. Seriously? Well if they can do it, so can I!!!!
In the mean time I watch examples on YouTube, about how to make madness animations in flash, you can really learn something from there, see for yourself :D! :


And for proffessionals

For those who haven't read my previous post and wants to beat Project Nexus like a boss, CLICK IT!
Also another post beside of gun creator thing, will include some scenes from Project Nexus game, which will be worth too look at them, trust me ;)

flashy flashy flash, I want it so much, I draw it on The Drawing Grounds.

EDIT Forget that part, just downloaded Flash 8 pro today. Begining to learn how to not be a noob while being a noob...Do you really need a serial key or they just want you to pay something just like WinRAR but you can still use it like forever. :P Think I fixed that, I haz FLAZ babeh, and I have no idea how to use it... Allright, I'll just start with downloading sprites and shit...


me:new pos-
you:shut up!!

Good guess xD

good tutorials. however I haven't been able to get madness sounds.

I'm searching for that right now, but no luck.
I heard there are some gun sounds in here:
--- http://nezman.webs.com/madnesscom batresources.htm
Suggestions are that you ask that question to the others who have, or type in on the Internet and see the results.
EDIT: Is this it? :/
--- http://www.mediafire.com/?y7k2nxe u9a59b88

Do you not have flash? *raises eyebrow*

There's a perfectly good explanation for that *has no idea, how to explain*

Care to elaborate? :D

Too obvious to respond :#

The same guy made Sierra 7 which is a way more awesome game than that ;)

...mabey im not so shur.

I am.

and now the worst father in history
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMIkRrh27Rc&feature=plcp">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMIkRrh27Rc&amp ;feature=plcp</a>

His life was not meant to stay alive.

Cool and love the flash pic!! :D

Meh, I like the right colour I used for backgound ;)

but he is funny.

It was not supposed to be funny, even though we laff at him...


Yep, finishing my first test right now :D