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End of the world?

Posted by Igyzone - December 16th, 2012

First thought:
Yeah it's coming, the Mayans told us thousands of years ago, so I believe them, beacuse they were also very smart people and built amazing structures with great astronomic knowledge and stuff...

So what to do? Either bury yourself beneath the earth and hope for survival, or complete your most wanted wishes you always wanted. Give yourself ALL the knowledge you earned in your life. by that I meant you go talk with Cleverbot This "thing" is a:
- 59% human.
- Programmed bot to think like a human, smarter then....you
- Master of manipulating.

Seriously, yesterday I spent HOURS talking with him, trying to convice him I'm right at something he's not. At one response the bot was thinking for an minute and sad: "Prove me wrong."
If you think, you got the knowledge of skill, you can aslo test yourself at Royal Secret Intelligence Service, this is based on James Bond Skyfall where you help an agent in several situations. Fucking awesome game!

Anyways let's discuss the "end of the world" thing again. The Mayan calendar was NOT marked with leap years, (very fourth year is one day longer) if it was marked like ours, then the world should have ended a year ago. Seriously think of some animals. Dinosaurs lived for millions of years and died only beacuse of some random meteor. But the life went on and now we are going to die as well. By what? By a meteor again? Impossible this time, our scientiscs should have discovered a meteor flewing to us by now. So nope that's not it. not to mention our kind lived like only about 30-40.000 years instead of millions like dinosaurs had ben through. Just beacuse we are smarter, doesn't mean we are not dumb anymore. the more you are right at something, the more you have a chance you are unprovingly wrong.

So these were the second thoughts. The only predictors I believe, are the weather reporters.
Also the day 21.12.2012 marked as end of the world means actually the end of the Mayan calendar. From an uknown source I read not only that this mean the end of the world, but also a new beginning. Why do people even think, the world is going to blew up or something like that. What if the propecy meant a psychological change instead of physical. We are allready changing a lot in this year....

End of the world?


I do not believe in world takeovers

Me neither. You can see them, but only in the movies.

I think that the Mayans just need to buy a new calendar :P

Good one! If they were still alive xD

Then they clearly lacked foresight ;)


my last wish is to go watch the sunset and well, die quickly.

Come to think of it, we all want to die "quickly" :/

This end of the world is FUCKING BOOGER BALLS BULLSHIT ! so stop living in fear everybody !

*end of the world*

And its my dad birthday on 21 dec D:!

Make him wish that the world doesn't end tomorrow.

its the end!

Of this discussion.

...... I got nothing for now

Hold on...done ^_^

Nice picture

Thanks, but got some problems....can't believe Chrome shows lower quality than Explorer -_-

Yesterday was 21/12/12 and 20/12/12 was my mom's bithday XD

Congrats ;)

Now we wait until the 'Doomsday' in 2018 *rolls eyes*

*Reads the article*
Nostradamus predicted, that in 2018 a global nuclear war will engage and destroy mankind.
he was born (wot?) 21 of december......(Doublewot?) 1503....

How did he knew about this nuclear stuff if it wasn't invented yet?
Shit....You know, even I thought (think) , that the end of the world will end in a nuclear war D:

Well, i didn't belive that. It may be Mayas are smart People, but today every human is dumb. I mean it could be they didn't had enough space anymore, not that at 2012 the world ends.

Exactly! They never even predicted about the end of the world, but dumb crazy humans who found this calendar, did!

His wish worked :3

lol, thanks for that x3

On my Science book sayed this "The Scientist confirm that in 2025, mankind will drink 90% of the water in the planet, leaving 10% for everyone". This makes me shimmer, we might die because theres no water Dx