At least once in a while, just to check things out, sorry for not posting anything new, reasons are school, games and fact that I got nothing exciting enough to share with you guys.
One game I should mention, is Red Orchestra 2:
- FPS (First Person Shooter)
- Based in World War 2
- Includes wars with Germans vs Russians towards Stalingrad as well as Japanese vs Americans towards Pacific
- First time in gaming world ever, German Campaign (what can I say, makes me feel a bit bad, seeing always games with other nations killing nazis like they don't deserve to fight themselves...)
- Ultimate most real-based lifetime realistic experience battle system - realism
- One of the best 2011 PC games.
Makes me feel like a sack of shit, when I thought Call of Duty 2 had a good vision for world war II.
I'm addicted to this game right now. But I promise to get back here in future days for more chat with you guys.
Did you downloaded it? My PC sucks and if I download any PC game, it will be slow like shit and the game will be even more slow ><
Well I downloaded the free cracked version, but in the end I had no choice to buy the full game since multiplayer works only on Steam. Luckily there was recently an awesome short time discount and I bought it for just a few bucks! :D