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Release the Cracken!

Posted by Igyzone - June 12th, 2014

Anyone ben to the E3 2014 press conference? Me neither. I just want to fully unleash my rage at my best game development buddy brand, the Insomniac Games, as well as the whole FREAKING GAMING COMMUNITY!!


Here's the deal. Insomniac Games was many year old champ of the exclusive Sony community. Besides a few games, old like the first 3D wolfenstein, they started with the familiar Spyro series, successful Ratchet and Clank series that are still in the making, including a real film! But these are all cartoonic kids stuff. The first real manly game came to the new PS3 as an exclusive opening with the making of future trilogy Resistance.

The second one was awesome as well, but the third just didn't selled well. Althrough there was less warfare action, the deep emotions were just amazing. Is the less combat gameplay the reason??

Then Insomniac strted to go on multi-platform by combining the xbox 360 and made a new game, called Fuse.

Another game that didn't get much interest even though it was awesome with the 4 player co-op style based action.


And now here's the stab in the Sony back as well as mine. With the next gen consoles, Insomniac announced the latest game, Sunset Overdrive, exclusively for the Xbox One.

WHAT THE EVERLIVING FUCK WHY!?! Actually I know the answer, it's beacuse Xbox offered more money, hur hur hur. but that's not the main point I'm angry about!


Take a good look at this game and you will start to know why I'm really pissed off. It has some serious good feedback from everyone, this might become the best selling Xbox One exclusive game ever. If you think that's why I'm mad you're only 10% right.


Look at these elements. Insomniac told that the humor feel is taken from the Spyro and Ratchet series. I would also add that the colorful design graphics are from Fuse and also those fucked up zombie like creature look alot look like the Chimera from Resisatnce series. All the elements from their Playstation are taken together to the Xboy! That adds the 40% of the reason I'm mad!


And now the remaining 50%? This is their first game with  a non-real story plot and possibly the most wreckless senseless game ever made!!! Why is THIS ONE so good than any others before???? And why did Xbox decided to financialy support THIS game, instead of any previous Insomniac Games? Is it beacuse of the fact that the Xbox community is all retarded and supports these kind of games??


Now take a good look at some of the best Sony PS3 exclusives: Killzone, Resistance, Metal Gear, Uncharted, The Las Of Us, Heavy Rain, Infamous, Journey.....sure , some of them are a bit violent, but they all have an amazing plot.


Now take another look at Xbox 360 exclusives: Mass effect (ok that one was really good), Halo, Gears of War, Crackdown, Left 4 dead....they are all fun, but all of them VERY violent, without much of a plot!


So what I'm trying to say, is: "I dont want to live in this planet anymore!" Lets just put a super action Michael Bay movie with all time shooting and explosions without any story beacuse people hate touchy stories, right? Fuck the world! 

Oh and another thing: Insomniac Games is one of the best gaming brands ever! I just wonder why these gamer fucktards thought of it now with their latest game....


Have you played RE 4?

Resident Evil? Yeah good story, but sucky gameplay. The dumb zombie AI makes them just standing like bunch of fresh meat. Rather kicked their asses than wasted bullets, haha! xD

Well I'm stuck in El Gigante

Just keep shooting the big chubby guy untill it falls.

K,gonna try.*dies in ten seconds* crap.D:<

Oh, and keep your distance :3

Calm down. Take some deep breaths. It's all going to be ok.

*breathes fire*

I don't understand why a game company would make a game exclusively for one console. Obviously the people who make the console are going to win the argument when it comes to xbox or playstation if they have better games but the game companies would make so much more money if they made their game for all platforms. I'm just not going to get a new console because half of the games "exclusively" for xbox or playstation end up being on PC.
Don't feel bad. The tailor for the game was entertaining but based on the gameplay I doubt it could keep you entertained for much more than an hour. It will probably be just like titanfall.

I think the main reason exclusives are, is when the console wants to beat his rival. It's all about money.
And a gaming company needs more money if it wants to make it on more platforms.
And for the PC thing, maybe few or some or even half, but never the top-notch ones.

As for that game itself it's really fun, but I'm pretty sure this requires some serious skill to perform these badass moves to create these epic combos. And to tell the truth, besides the colorful toy graphics, the mechanics itself is nothing special, I've seen many like this. And would rather play a Dead Rising game since there zombies are not something to make fun of.

Xbox one, ewwww.
Anyways, I hope Koyima will make full version of MGS 5 as soon as possible, I really enjoy MGS but... The one which came after MGS 4 was a bit... Too action filled, while the original game was more about stealth and rather more interesting things.

Aw man, the only Metal Gear I played, was Peace Walker on PSP. Them feels, it made me even cry. It's so freaking long and touchy, I just couldn't handle it anymore to play other MGS series. ._.

A bit too late.I already rescued Ashley,but thanks anyway :)

*gives a fist bump*

Thats how I feel too . We should make a club for this .

"Join....The Resistance!"