Except for the matura exam I'll have to take in august....
But I'm glad that's over. And tomorrow I'm already going on vacation time somewhere in the no-internet zone, so I'll be dead a week or two, but the hell with it, you won't even know I was gone. :P
In the meantime you can watch this video. It's Madness Combat and its sprites are made from real life which might be first time ever. Althrough it's not completely Krinkels's cannon related version, but hey, as long as you see Hank kicking ass, all is good. I wanted to post this as first year anniversary, but I can't think of anything better right now, lol. And I'm pretty sure about 90% madness fans never seen it either.
So grab a popcorn and keep repeating it until I come back. See ya lads :D
Looks like everyone is out of school :DD
My party is boring, forever alone style. xP