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More reviews of nostalgic and new games

Posted by Igyzone - June 29th, 2015


Commander Keen: Goodbye Galaxy


Developer: id Software

Release Date: 1991



This kid Billy Blaze AKA Commander Keen should have become popular as Super Mario. This one as well as the whole series, was a top notch advanced gaming system back then. A real retro platformer! Go left, right, down, up, jump, climb and shoot as well. Easy? No way, it's incredibly freaking hard!


I like the way that you really need to save your ammo as it's hard to find. And you had some kind of jumping scooter which you can just go threw the whole map in a matter of seconds (of course if you could avoid all those threats).

The map itself is pretty huge and complex with all the lock/unlock thingies. Did I mention this is made by id Software? You know, the creator of Doom and Wolfenstein...this is their first franchise and who knows if they would progress any further without it. Also, you can still buy a whole (not exactly whole) pack in Steam for just a few bucks!


DX-Ball 2

Developer: Microsoft Windows

Release Date: 1998



Looking for a classic, but awesome ball-paddle game? Then this is for you! Is hitting the ball over and over boring? Then how about a massive collection of powerups to either blast the whole away easily or literally blast yourself. Yeah, some of those powerups actually downgrade you. For example a powerup makey your paddle larger but other can make you smaller, one makes your ball move faster, other slower. One makes your ball bigger, other shorter.


And there's still a ton of other powerups to get if you keep hitting these blocks. Normal blocks, hardened blocks, even flaming blocks....and powerups can change them too. You can even start shooting them if you get lucky enough, I'm not kidding, lol.


There're 5 packs containing huge a lot of boards to play and it became so successful, Microsoft made a multiplayer version called: Rival Ball. Wicked huh?!








Killing Floor

Developer: Tripwire Interactive

Release Date 2009 (2005)



This was basically my first ever co-op game I got really really REALLY excited on. The fact I love playing together and love slaughtering zombies! A random fact is that this game was meant to be released as a mod for Unreal Tournament 2004. (without it, I would probably only play Left 4 Dead...).


This game is simply impossible to hate! The beginning waves start as easy and the last one ends with your highest efforts for win (that boss is dope though). Every headshot is like watching a pumpkin explode lmao!

It has 6 player co-op, but some server mods extended it up to 5 and even 10 times more. And let me remind you, this is based on survival, SURVIVAL!! So don't act like a juggernaut wandering around, stay together and survive! The more you kill, the more money you get for weapons + armor + few other stuff. You can even donate cash to others, ain't that great? And what's the best part for me, it's their british accent. It's first time I ever hear money - dosh??...Freaking hilarious! Try insulting zombies by some of these voice commands, you might fell of your chair laughing at some parts, ROFL! Also,

check out the upcoming sequel, it's game mechanics are off the world!!!!



Developer: Bugbear Entertainment

Release Date: TBA



Remember, when I reviewed Flatout (2)? Well, this is his crazy son, the most brutal driving game ever made! If you like wrecking and demolition derbies, this is a must have!


The amount of wreckage in this game is over 9000! Your car can either be in one piece or a....mashed potato? A simulator with most advanced damage system. Either though it's not exactly realistic, but who doesn't want to play survival games in a car? As from what can I tell in my experience, if you want to be aggresive and hit others, always prepare for the backstrike. By that I don't really mean they'll hit you back, but how will your car react to that crash because you don't wan't to fuck up yourself as well, lol. 

Sadly this game is still in beta and it's becoming another duke nukem forever by it's timeline production, but once this game is fully released, half of the world will join the SMASH ROYAL!

That's it for now guys, I got even more games in mind, but I got vacation plans right about tomorrow for few weeks. So stay alive mates!


I fucking love DX-Ball type of games, enjoyed them so much as a child.

Yeah, I even collect those red (bad) powerups such as speed just to get things done faster, lol!