Not even college will stop me ( I think ... )
Screw that, anyways we all know Madness Day is coming, and as every year, I'll be that one voting judge of all submited madness stuff again. Expect no mercy and NO, I will not give any extra friend bonus!!! No pain, no ga..- err, Madness!
Also, did you know that a new Madness site is coming? Kelzad said so...No? What kind of madness fan are you!? Check this shit out already then!
Goodbye, even though you're dead already, lol.
Another thing is, anyone remembers that webcomic called Lighter Than Heir? I'm quite a fan of it, but sadly not a credit dealer, so please help them back their second volume on Kickstarter!
And that's all. Oh you want me to talk about games again? Maybe next time...stay cool!
If i give you one cookie, Will you give me one more star for the movie? :3
Igyzone (Updated )
Trying to bribe me ey? No way you cheap pathetic fu....make it two and we have a deal. x3