
221 Art Reviews

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This is what I call an "attention whore"

Well I got 31 fans and haven't animated anything yet as well. ^^

juanford66 responds:

well you are better guy than xxxx1234 x)

Madness version of a popular internet meme. Priceless!

This top shit needs to get to public art portal!

No stock and a nose? Furiously bold!

Great job. But you've done two grammar mistakes, it's cat woman, not women and it writes together as Catwoman.

Awesome, somehow it reminds me of Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Gibb50 responds:

Haha, Leatherface.
I didn't even realize till just now :P

I don't want to sound critic, the saviors eyes are perfect, but the Auditors somehow suck. The original Auditor doesn't have any black lines to define his eyes but only red colour. Would be also more awesome, if he would be in battle mode (flame like). Still an awesome madness picture though!

The expression on her face and a single hand on her head makes it look more like she has woke up from a massive hangover then trying to kill/drown herfelf. It would be more effective to have both hands pressing hard on her head with closed eyes as that would tell she is trying to forget something.

Otherwise great art, love where you can see some more blurred parts of the area that emphasize the underwater look.

Rhunyc responds:

Thanks!! :) And I appreciate the review! However, it's not her trying to kill her self really.. I mean if you want it to be, that can be your interpretation! I intended it as a sort of window to how I was feeling, which wasn't suicidal.. Haha... Just really helplessly bothered by a particular person. The water was mainly from a vibe from that song I was hearing, and I really liked the idea!

If there's something you want to know about me is that you can expect a reply sooner or later but never ever never. ಠ_ರೃ

Age 29, Male

Some library work

Regular middle school


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