Did I ever mentioned I still own a Nintedno DS (yeah, the first ds model)?
Well I managed to bought an R4 card while searched all the freaking country for it and raging that it wasn't working, putting back to fix and crap, now It's finally working! Oh, R4 card is like a flash drive, except it's exclusively fo these Nintendo models. You can download all the games and other media for pretty much FREE from Internet (you get a portable pc flash card where you put a microSD in it, and than put the MicroSD to R4 and play it on the NIntendo.
Not sure if it's considered as piracy, but what else could I do, I've ben looking everywhere for the Pokemon: HeartGold/SoulSilver and it's ben sold out every damn where. Soooo....Nostalgia restored, gotta catch em all!!!
I have to say, If I would still trying to get this thing working, I would get so depressed, I would make a different post about more for this that chaotic film. But maybe I will do this next time. I will show you guys 2 contracts from both sides, personally from both leaders, where you will be able to understand what they want from you. Also I want you guys to decide which contract would you sign for? This will be interesting......
Hah... I have Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64.
How man, are you making a console museum?