I was hoping you'd make something for Madness Day.
My life is complete now.
I was hoping you'd make something for Madness Day.
My life is complete now.
Surprisingly beautiful! It gives gives a bit of that noir vibe, mixed with classy chaotic madness that delivers a hell of a homicide crime, led by the all time favorite twisted serial killer.
All talk, no action.
"Oh you want war? BLAHBLAHBLAH *drops one bomb* BLAHBLAH x30
I waited this for so long, now I'm in college, searching for the heavily needed 10 bucks, lol.
Basically every Steam review is talking about this being another Castle Crashers clone, so lets make it clear, were you inspired by CC?
I'd like to say that we bring a couple different things to the genre. We've always been big fans of Golden Axe, Streets of Rage, and all the 90's brawlers. I've always liked Dan Paladin and Castle Crashers is an awesome game. We wanted to tighten up some of the combat and made some other decisions that we think that you'll enjoy!
thanks for dropping by!
Honestly, Jeb and Sanford look way more badass than the rest,
Nice, it reminds me of claywork!
Gotham needs Hank!
To the Hank mobile robin!
If Madness was a childish-but still violent cartoon, this would be it!
After eye scanning your art, I noticed the fancy flower mark on your skull, matching the one in background. Nice!
If there's something you want to know about me is that you can expect a reply sooner or later but never ever never. ಠ_ರೃ
Age 29, Male
Some library work
Regular middle school
Joined on 2/8/12