
173 Game Reviews

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Good game, love the big amount of guns in the armoury but soon after some time playing, it gets a bit lame and the zombie dying sounds can get quite annoying.

Great game! Understanding the mind of a crazy creepy man. The thing I wonder is, how can this relatively short game have space for incredibly 63.8MB???

I have ben waiting this for years and started to think,this will never get released...now I see, I was wrong and it was worth of the wait even though it's not fully released yet, I believe, this game will be a pure success!

Well this game sure mindfucks your brain, I didn' know,if I should think as a smart or dumb guy while all the options were faillike xD

Every time, I see Kongregate banner,I think of this game, beacuse it reminds me of this. Awesome work ,man, way better than first, keep it up!

Purely love it as every time! Anna and Dusty died, well no big deal, if you played previous episodes, you were playing in some parts without them allready :P So were was I?....oh yeah, I wish, this series NEVER ends!

But things might start getting out of end, with so much different storys and endings, more and more every time, so why not try the opposite some time - making different storys combine to less and less until theres only one final ending left. NO, this is not impossible, you just need to start thinking forward, or should I say "backward" ( just use the power of imagination ) :D

First time I hated it, beacuse of the sticky keys, then thanks to the important note about this problem, which I had to use another browser, worked properly. I describe this as a really special super multi adventure game, with extremely gory scenes and funny moments. In other words, trully surprising and one of the best games I ever played. :D

A great interactive game. Funny thing is, I got all the endings and "Lives Worth Living" medal, before getting the "Love At First Fight" medal. Technically that medal wasn't an ending, but just an other scene in middle of game, so there were no mistakes here. Love it, wish, there were more interactive games with multiple endings like this one. :D

I like the art design, but the rest is nothing special, sometimes I get literally stuck at some places and I think, if you don't pick up characters in the right order, you might get stuck forever which is just wrong, so I recommend, you add another function button that lets you transform into someone of previous heroes you saved before.

Love it! Every evil soul gets evily rewarded >:D

If there's something you want to know about me is that you can expect a reply sooner or later but never ever never. ಠ_ರೃ

Age 29, Male

Some library work

Regular middle school


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