
173 Game Reviews

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Touchy and weird but mostly very original. It's really hard to understand everything when english is not your main language, but I got most of it (I think). And of course, a really amazing game with short but intense romantic drama.

Awesome game! Reminds a bit of Henry Stickmin series with these multiple choices, not to mention extra minigames, brilliant!

Stone-Steven responds:

That was my inspiration, thanks for playing!

This is an amazing intreractive game, it's ideal for those who don't even know what Ghostbusters are and for those to bring back some memories (Because they could have forgot, you know the Oblivion right...right?)

Muja responds:

"Sorry to disappoint you, chuckles, but we Ghostbusters are simply unforgettable. We're that charming"

Thank you for your kind review!

Almost perfect, still an excellent game, but few things annoy me as poorly turning which many times hitting an hard object is inevitable. Second is I'd really like a map of Earth to see my digging progress, third is annoying moment when hitting a hard layer to weak digger type where I'd just like to quit at that moment instead of waiting for my battery to slowly waste its last 10% energy.

Please, please, PLEASE make: Another Video Game: The Game

I thought we will never play this since Google Play removed it. But I'm glad it's here now. You could try making a slighthly similar but not so sketchy game and put it on the market again for easy bucks that would help you get more money for JR3.

vastcool responds:

After my eight hour work days I would go home and work on Pimpy for a few hours in my spare time. It took three years. I cannot just bust these things out, they take massive amounts of work - even THIS which had no color and was half sketchy. Real animation is a labor of love.

PS click the "extras" button to see the stages from rough to finished animation.

"Poisonus! hELLO!?"Haha, it cracked me up. Finally some animation addings to make this game more alive, great work And keep the camera moving if you know what I mean. I'm not sure how I like the way these talkers popup but it doesn't bug me. What really bugs me is endless reading....I know there are puzzles and all, but god it's like picking up and finishing your homework. I mostly read the first sentence and then skip, skip, skip, done.

It looks good, gut playing it is very difficult, the programming is somehow poor beacuse of weird AI and blocking controls when moving, including when you die, it doesn't restart, but it continues with the rest of AI newbies shooting each other. I think it just needs a bit more programming and the game would then definitely be a blast.

Awesome! Love the many guns, bullet deflecting, regenerative health. Moving speed is also perfect, but it would have ben cooler if the whole body was moving, not just feet, especially when jumping. Still it's a a very cool game piece already!

Elementalys responds:

Thanks man! Fun fact, those animated feets are my first animation I ever did for a game haha

Amazing! Top class target practice game! After gaining experience yourself, it gets really easy.

Evil-Dog responds:

Yeah that's true!

If there's something you want to know about me is that you can expect a reply sooner or later but never ever never. ಠ_ರೃ

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