
173 Game Reviews

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Great game. Many cutscenes with lots of graphics and I love the script - the way they speak just like in middle ages.

So if this ever gets fully made, it will definitely be an excellent rpg game with a long story and lots of exploring.

Hyptosis responds:

Thank you so much for the support! It's my dream to make a full game like this, hopefully one day I'll be able to!

Love it! I think this was the best part so far, the puzzles were easy enough and there were more talking parts and search areas. I always love all the extra text responses when trying to use a certain "wrong" item to perform an action. Also love the old character references, great job!

Hyptosis responds:

Thank you sir!

Extraordinary fantastic!

The story mode "Lost guns" seems hard enough already. But I really appreciate the fact after restart, RP doesn't erase and you get some free ammo. I'm sure that when I complete the story mode, I will not get bored with it yet beacuse of the special challenge modes, all of them with specific play ways.

Then there are user campaigns and campaign creator, which is simply fun to create your own dead road or try the best of chosen ones.

With a long story mode, challenge modes, campaign creators, massive upgrade system achievement and highscore table makes this game is a drive 'n gun masterpiece. The small bothering are the bugs, but I'm sure that in the near future, all of them will get eliminated.

Fun, but way too simple. Needs more different lands and backgrounds and the tank could jump at least an inch higher.

io3creations responds:

More coming in the sequel - possibly even jetpack upgrades :)

Pretty good game. I like how everyone has different stats and attack abilities. But I wanted a bit more animation, it's a bit boring seeing for example slash, backstab or kicks with same slice view.

Love it, the cars are all unpredictable in speed limits, the people fly away when dead like dummys and the critical slowmotion effect is just awesome!

Smooth graphics, fancy character design, solid upgrade materials and funny puny jokes, resulting in an awesome shooter game with cover system.

Like a mix between Gnomergeddon and Big Dipper with a slight adventure taste.

Althrough it's a very solid shoot and cover game, it's a bit annoying, when collecting items, especially weapons as they are small to point at them. And the boss fight was pretty awkward, when I saw the walkthrough, untill then I kept shooting the butler guy untill my ammo ran off.

Love it! Lots of buttons and voice commands with many kinds o possible failures and wins.
Great job!

If there's something you want to know about me is that you can expect a reply sooner or later but never ever never. ಠ_ರೃ

Age 29, Male

Some library work

Regular middle school


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