
173 Game Reviews

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Jesus f**k, I swear this is even harder than the first. Cut me some slack damn it, do you even know how much time can be wasted before finishing this? The game is awesome actually, but it could really REALLY use some improvements, like a pie chart timer (I think I mentioned this last year...) for example. The click area should be slightly expanded, I just keep bashing my mouse at moving targets because I know I hit at the color but it didn't work, fml. Come on you guys, the pro community is way smaller than newbie's and I'm just somewhere in between.

P.S. I ragequited at 4th checkpoint, my PC couldn't handle the immense amount of restarts well.

Will we find out what ever happened to the girl's restroom? No? Ok.

Great ending for great series. Either I became much smarter over the years, or the riddles became easier. Probably just me, lol. Sure gonna miss Phil and his company....

"What, you just click and destroy, that's it? Laaammmmeeee..."

"Well, at least thIs game has upgrades and extra monsters..."

"What the...enemies? medals? And a frickton of powerups and more upgrades??!" AWESOME!!!

Story - ain't got time to read that damn diary of Tom fucking Fulp
Games - wasted my money on a cheap crap arcade again
Movie - what kind of cinema has NO popcorn!?
Art - So, what's the price for these...

9.9/10 Not enough medals.

One thing is for sure - This game has more references than "the game.

PuffballsUnited responds:


That's some machine flamethrower spreading AK-47 Pico has, lol. But yeah, nothing is supposed to look realistic here anyway....

The game is just fantastic, 60fps makes everything run so smoothly and you don't see this often at pixel style based games. Makes me feel like playing a brutal version of Pokemon, it's just battle after battle after battle....Gameplay is solid and Pico is badass as usual, nothing more to add.

TwinBlazar responds:

Thank you ^_^

A bit ironic, there's a similar kind of game on NG called "A second chance" only that game was as usual replayable and of course way better made. I really love these choice making games but with only two options? I think I pressed Ark way too quickly and now I feel all the extra voice acting was useless.

Every playable game needs to be replayable....Of course I can just delete cookies but don't want to loose all other things right now.

I think I remember the first one way back, and love it just as this one. It may be short, but It's frustrating with all the failures and restarts. I'm a sucker for loot like guns which I think it will save me but......damn you Djjaner! Make the second part and try to add a timer of every move, like a pie chart disappearing instead of the blue mark which I don't know how much time I got.

Voices of an 8 year old for a game that's exactly meant for people this age. The gameplay itself is very easy, fast levelups and no upgrade complications + massive promising world that reveals your hard work. The lag starts to show after a while with often super attack sticky button but that's the least of a problem considering all the stuff you've put in.

For me, the game feels like a redesign and a reminder of Castle Crashers, the thing we all love to play and play again.

BoMToons responds:

Nice! Full version does away with the lag issues, so I hope you check it out!

A bit "meh" but kind of funny. A bit short though and I'm wondering why is this a demo if full version is free on other devices?

If there's something you want to know about me is that you can expect a reply sooner or later but never ever never. ಠ_ರೃ

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