
173 Game Reviews

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Nice one. could't resist to watch the cocks spits again.

April fools didn't get me, I knew it before playing, where I read the ridicolus name of the game, while I knew Evil-dog is currently working on road of the dead 2 and haven't spoke a word from this silly little crap.

It's worth of all respect there is.

Hyptosis responds:

Thanks sir!

Truly extraordinary remarkable! Awesome art design, great programming, cool sound, music and voice acting! Epic to the max, kicking robot ass has never ben so fun, fantastic job!

Love it! I wish there would be more thumbs up and down choices beacuse I would play this all day long and never get tired of it!

Impressive game, but it's too upredictable which means it depends more on luck then skill. If you get unlucky and always have to fight zombies when searching, you won't survive more than 10 days. I managed to find a better meele weapon tha dealed a lot more damage, but I was allready about to die. *sigh*

Technically speaking, this is a very good game. Instead of units control, you only place them and hope for the best. You will certainly die soon if you don't by anything. So the point of this game is decision making and not willing killing. It has a lot of things you can spend on so choose wisely, beacuse buying things for your units is the only way they will survive. Hiring recruits, buying weapons, items and power ups are your choice of survival. After all, this a a soild more or less turn based strategy game.

A very good interacticve game. Lots of different decisions that ended most or less the same.
The idea of a scoreboard is quite unnecessary, beacuse you can simply skip the reading and keep pressing continue and random decisions that leads to points quickly. I suggest that the points are added only at the end, so once the game is started again, the points erase and starts over.

Hyptosis responds:

Well most of the points do erase, however if the player made a choice that had an exceptionally good outcome, like 10 percent of those points are stored for the next play through. So really, yeah, random clicking over and over for a long period of time can build up points, but you're a dork if you do that. Plus I needed to learn how to use the scoreboard, this game was my teacher. Thanks!

I hope, Stick war 3 gets made and imports all the good things from stick war 2 and 1.

If there's something you want to know about me is that you can expect a reply sooner or later but never ever never. ಠ_ರೃ

Age 29, Male

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