Let the shitload of reading revealing begin!!!
Story - 1.0 (Project Nexus)
Grunts - Standard noobs, waiting to get killed.
1337 Agents - Enemy with this class or up, has the ability to dodge. But this guys can only dodge a bullet or few...
A.T.P. engineers- Enemys from this class or up, have a TAC-BAR - some kind of instant armor that needs to get beaten before the enemy dies. Luckily engineers have the lowest tac-bar and yellow blood spreads right after that.
A.T.P. soldats - They are more tuff than engineers, beacuse they have more powerfull tac-bar and they like to dodge more.
AWESOME NOTICE: Sometimes you don't really need to wait their long time dodging. Some dogdgings like slidng or falling down or something like that, can be break-throughable at the moment when the enemy puts his head up, so you can kill him before his body gets up again.
Heavies: G03LM (Gray armor dude) - okay to beat this guy is simple. (I'm sure you all know that who are reading this but what the hell...) You need to bash him up untill his helmet falls down and then it's headshot killing time.
G03LM Mk2 (Red armor dude) - this guy is triple times more tuff to beat. Same as gray armor dude, you need to bash him up untill his helmet falls down. You can see your progress bashing him when his helmet starts to fall apart. (1st hole, second hole and then it falls down, super multi headshot spree time and then it dies. Beetwen helmet injuries he gets a bit stunned, leaving you more time to do what you want to.) Oh and you might want to avoid his minigun.
AWESOME HINT: Sprint + bash = stunnes the heavy for a few seconds, leaving you more time to focus on whatever you do best for.
MAG agent: N (boss) - give him all the firepower you can get. If you are close to him he will bash you like an insect, otherwise if you are out of bash range, he will (as I call it) »Power accurate shot« you. When he gets injured bad enough and falls down he will only try to shoot you with no bash and no power shots, so from there it's a piece of cake.
SPECIAL WARNING NOTE: Power accurate shot: every enemy has it. The higher the class, the higher the chance he'll engage it. Also higher the class is, shorter the amount of time takes it to finish the shoot. Some amateur people think it's useless to escape it, but of course there's a way. In fact there are MORE WAYS to defend it:
- Dodge (spacebar, at the moment he is about to shoot. To know that, look carefully at the loading circle bar)
- Take cover behind an object (spacebar when near one)
- Block it with a melee weapon (hold spacebar when you are holding one)
- Get close enough in melee range and he'll miss you (lol)
- Get to the same vertical line as he is and he will not be able to aim at you so he'll miss.
- Hard: Get far out of the shooting range.
- Kill him before he execute it.
- Sometimes he gets stunned and quits power shoot if you throw a wepon at him (do not depend on that)
Story - 1.5 (Ground Zero)
Riot guards - They function excatly the same as A.T.P. soldats.
Doctors - Guess what they do? Nothing. Well they try to melee a zombie = epic fail and becomes one of them, lol. Have you noticed that in first level you can't kill non-zombie doctors, but on the second level you can. Not to mention a bug when you go back to Hoffnar room and you will find another Hoffnar there! xD
Zombies - You probably played a zombie game before so you know a bit how it goes. They have about TRIPLE times more health than regular enemys of the same class. The good thing is when there's a zombie riot agent, it doesn't have the tac-bar and so you can kill it far more easier. Don't let them grab you or you're dead meat when the tac-bar dissapears.
GOOD HINT: Headshots. They do more damage and can kill a grunt or 1337 agent instantly with just a 1 bullet of any weapon. Also power weapons make their head blow off, making them unable to get up again for those who have the ability for.
Abominations (Red nutcase crazys) - These guys are totally mad. They run to you and do a knock kick with head or legs. They are faster than any dudes. Once they fall down once, they'll get up again and free their hands so they can grab you like zombies. Unlike zombie grabs, they keep headpunching you dealing heavy damage and ignoring your tac-bar. Sometimes you're lucky and get their head blow off so they can't get up again.
IMPORTANT HINT trapped in zombie/abomination grabs? This is very annoying, the basics to get out of the grab are taping left and right button, but usually when you get out of the grab, you get grabed again! To avoid that, you need to dodge the moment you get released.
AWESOME HINT Speed runing. Just as I mentioned before, grabs are annoying. lets say a horde of zombies/abominations are aproaching to you and you get cornered and you realise, you wont have enough time to shot them all before they get to you. Solution? Yes, BALLS! In other words you need to do a badass move. Run (sprint, dobule tap left or right) through them and I can almost guarantee, you wont be grabed (enemy grabs are slow so that's why you got good change to avoid it). But I rather dodge through them, beacuse of the increased no grabing chance. ;)
Sleepwalker patients (Generator-detonator mummys) - those are annoying as shit. They can get up (revived) twice and get you blown off when they detonate once they fall the third time. To avoid that, either stay off the blow radius, or head shooting enough to make their head fall apart, and get lucky when they wont be able to get revived. BE CAREFUL, they can steal the weapon from your hands (Sometimes zombies do that too).
Heavys: Giant Sleepwalker - The only difference is that they can auto-knock punch you, making you drop your weapon. The ONLY WAY to kill it, is with headshots. Shoot them in the head untill it falls apart, otherwise they'll get up again unlimited times and you're fucked.
Mag Agent: Gestalt
There is only one way to kill it and includes bullets. You might consider dodging everytime he wants to jump on you. Try to ignore the agents, and they will ignore you as well, as long as the biggy is closer to them then you are. Same goes for red nutcase crazys. It's best to focus on one part: body or the head. I suggest the body, beacuse for the head it takes more aiming work.
Boss: Phobos
Information: This guy can get you killed with your own bullets, so try not to shoot him when he has his sword equiped, he'll deflect 75% bullets to you. His sword is also very powerful so don't get near him otherwise you'll be dead quickly.
1st battle: CHEAT - He gets away once his tac bar falls down (only once) and you also have time to kill him before he starts to battle (I think he first starts tiny rapidly jumping to get prepeared, lol) Also there's temoraray a bug, when you beat him, go back, and back to that room, then you will face him again, lol.
2nd battle (final) - I don't remember, how many times must his tac-bar fall down, just don't let him recover his bar back, otherwise more work. He often equips to TMP (uzi kinda like weapon), so no sword deflecting for you. But then again he starts jumping like crazy. Aim carefully and use your special dark beam ability to beat him down.
AWESOME TEAMMATE HINT: Teammates such as Sanford and Diemos (when you are playing as Hank at first level) or Hoffnar at 1.5 story when you get to him, they do not care a weapon at first. They will grab the first weapon that falls down, so you probably got mad a bit, when they picked up a rusty knife in front of all cool fireweapons. So I suggest as you can have 2 weapons, you can throw one directly to him and he'll go fetch it like a dog his bone. ^^
I'm very sorry about my lack of better knowledge I had before, beacuse a few weeks ago I got my file accidently erased (there goes my 40.000 bodycount and hope for the genocider medal).
To master the arena mode, you first need to focus on skill points, I suggest you go all fill them all 1 by 1 and in the end they are all. Of course those were for the physycal abilitys, for the weapons I first suggest for the hands, melee pistols and later SMGs (beacuse those will be first weapons to attack you.) You really DON'T need to buy any weapons, you can simply pick them up in the arena, then you left them in the armory, go back there again, bring them here again,...= profit.
As you saw, you can also instead of random recruits buy the all known famous guys from madness world. The BEST 3 are: Hank, Jesus, and Tricky. Buy them first, or at least the other madness memebers if you're not so lucky. You don't need to buy them random rectuits, they are not really that good and the maximum level of the random guys is 25. If you want to hire them too, then choose the ones who are wearing some good armor or have several good abilitys.
Best to choose which weapons you are best to deal with it and take. If you really want to buy one, I strongly suggest, you buy one with UPGRADES. By that I mean with scopes, laser sights, silencers...
Scope increases accuracy, while laser sight increases fire reach. I'm not really sure, what does silencer do, it does make less noise, but I think it reduces the recoil so you can shoot more accurate as well. Oh, and the yellow color only makes the gun look cooler.
SPECIAL GUN HINT: Shotguns. I heard a lot of people that shotguns suck. Maybe they do but if you activate the slow motion ability and fire with it, you'll realise the opposite. You only need to be accurate, and the slow motion ability helps a lot.
WARNING NOTE : M203 (Grenade launcher) is the only weapon that can hurt/kill you, so when launching a greande, be sure that target is far away and not near you or you will join the fallen group.
AWESOME NOTE: enemys with Tac-Bar: As I sad before, agents and higher class dudes have it. In the story mode you read that melee and shooting from behind is the best option, but I don't really think so. I suggest a right weapon, it needs to have strong firepower, not so rapid but automatic fire, and good range. Those are such as AK47, FAL, some of the SMGs...
If you have money, it's better to buy armor then weapons. And buy those that really offer some protection!!! And don't get too cocky about it, choose only the armor you can wear it, depending on your level ability that can allow (light, medium, heavy).
In combat:
As I don't remember, here's a thing you need to be aware of...watch carefully at which level are you playing, so you can expect (once you die and start again) at which level higher ranked guys start to come in, and when do the better weapons come in, when do the first and later others Heavys come in......and so on...
I didn't played zombie mode much but one thing is for sure: IT'S FREAKING HARD! Zombies everywhere, not giving up so easily and in the end you are outnumbered and eaten alive. There is a thing you should now. Beacuse the zombie mode is so much harder than normal arena mode, NEVER switch sides in the middle of combat. For instance you are in level 30 in arena mode, you get curious and you suddenly decide to enter zombie arena mode. Beacuse you haven't died yet, you start from the level, you just left the previous arena: 30... 30 in zombie arena!!!! FFFFFFUUUUU you're dead. The only thing left that can save is the next option I will mention below.
Lets say you are in level 50 an you are in critical health and about to die. What do you do? You probably think No, I don't want to start this whole shit over again!!! Well I got news for you. The MAIN MENU BUTTON (top right, also acts as a pause button in first click) can get you OUT OF THIS MESS :D!!! You only get back at the main menu, so you only have to restart the previous level again. Awesome isn't it? ;)
And for that »cheat« you can also try to find a teammate you just lost, back to your position, or when trying to find an awesome weapon or armor.
Have you ever asked, when you upgrade your abilitys to the max, why do you still keep leveling up? Well if you think that from there you are leveling up for nothing, you're wrong. You still gain maximum health increase and that is important!
Sooooo I think that's it. I might still edit it, due to any grammar and other mistakes I did, and if any other stuff that missed my mind before and would like to put them in as well. If you have a good question about the game and it's not answered here, please comment below! :D
Edit: few more stuff added. ;)
Edit2: 20 fans??? 2 in 1 day, wow is it becuse of this or just random lucknyess?
Edit3: Another few hints added. :D
Oh look, I found this lost picture which I wanted to erase it long ago and forgot.