Contract file #1
Sender: Ressurect cooperation of perfection
Date: 1.1.2043
Greetings, people of former old Earth.
As you all know, the crysis of our humanity is at stake. And so we made a company to prevent this at all costs. But we need YOU to work with us or face the consequences in the upcoming warfare.
I regret to be that aggresive, but this is the only way to deal with this problem. Every human that fullfils our qualifycations, can easily join us. As your leader, my job is to make this world cleaner. Can you even imagine a new world where only smartest or/and strongest people in? In other words, we are making HEAVEN!
Many people refuse or can't be able to become a decent person, so this is why I choosed to extinct that type of humanity and that way our lives will be easier to live with no overpopulating and best of all, with best people!
Of course it makes me sad, eliminating that much amount of people, but this is a risk and duty we have to make. I promise you all that work us, will receive great rewards and those that die for us, will never be forgotten in our tablet of heroes.
Your leader of humanity
- Alpha
Contract file #2
Sender: The Choosen Team
Date: 15.3.2045
Hello to all people that trust us.
We all know the situation we currently are in. And it's critical for our existence. Our opposition did not suit my needs, so I'm making a different stand for all humanity. Remember that we are not here to fight the enemy, we are here to get out of this crysis alive. But of course blood will have to fall on us.
Everyone with its will to us, can join, but I personally have to warn you something IMPORTANT: If you agree to our terms, you will left your nation behind and everything that was ever related to your life. In shortly, ABSOLUTION!
We fight as one, together and forever. We may be weak alone, but we are strong in numbers. Those that fall, shall know this that instead of dying in front of executioners, you die in hope for a better world. I was choosen to lead you and I shall bring you to the very edge of solution and liberty. Please trust us and we shall trust you, beacuse we are one.
Your trusted savior
- T.C.O. (The Chosen One)
End of transmission
So this is a quick giude of what these two leaders are fighthing for. And what I would ask you, is what contract would you sign for. Before you answer, think twice. Which sounds better and which would you sign reality?